I know the title to the post sounds just horrible doesn't it. Like everything is just aweful. That is not the case, so just calm down and sit back.
Here is the reason for the title...
Little Miss, or Little Miss Thang shall we say at times is having to learn some things the hard way. I sure wish life could be full of smooth transitions and beds of roses for her. This folks, is nothing that we didn't expect, but I think that I just expected different reactions from certain people.
No matter where you are adopting from I do believe that some things remain the same. There is a transitional time ( longer for older kids), there is bonding to be had ( this can take years), and there can always be surprises :) This is no different if you happen to be adopting someone that is a relative. I do believe that there have been some misconceptions, and from state workers surprisingly, that thought since we are all family everything would be just smooth sailing, one big happy family. But are these people new? Did they attend PRIDE classes? Have they done any research on bonding, transitions, how long that takes? I don't mean so sound like a smart- alec... oh wait yes I do... Sorry I just realized I was talking about one thing and totally side tracked to a completely different thing. Let me get back to Little Miss Thang and her cute lil 'tude....
This stubborness will serve her well one day, however child, today is not that day. Today is the day of learning how to use our words, how to vocalize our feelings, how to obey. Today is the day we are learning to
not argue over every little thing, how to be okay with letting someone else give you instruction. Today Sweet Little Miss, today,
you must loose control. How hard that must be for her. I mean really how hard. We are asking her to trust us, to trust that what we are saying is the right thing to do, and that she has to just go for it. Maybe she has not had many people in her life that have followed all the way through with a consequence. Not just sending her to her room if she is be a little mouthy, but following up afterward. Talking with her explaining the how's and the why's.
She is learning though. Always learning. I think back to some of the first things she said when she first came here. And to how far she has already come. A child who asked us "how do you pray? What do you say? Show me." A child who would readily throw a fit for 2-ish hours over being told to not ride past a certain point, then when she did and had to get off of the bike just lost it. This child has come so far.
And praise be to God for that.
God promised us Joy and we have it. Is it work everyday? You bet! But I ask are not most things that you get joy from the things you work the hardest for. I think so.
Our Little Miss Thang has been working so hard on her listening and attitude it just amazes me. I have been writing the post over a series of like 3 weeks and I will post next about her changing heart:)