The Gang

My photo
Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I love these freaks

You peeps are crazy... But you are my crazy Peeps.

That's right... I'm back-ish

So it is midnight-ish. And I should be in bed, for sure but I am not. I got back from the Women's dessert thingy late tonight and now I just can't sleep. Lisa H. spoke tonight and if you have not ever heard her speak, can I tell you it is quite enjoyable. I mean really. She is just an awesome woman! So now as I sit here I wonder much longer will I be in waiting. Ya know when ya know that God has something great that he's doing but you better just keep your nosy nose out of the way and not make any trouble so you don't mess things up. That is how I feel. I don't want to ruin it. He is the one baking the cookies, I am just an ingredient that he is going to use and when He is done it will be great. But for now my job is to wait, and pray. Tomorrow both boys have basketball, I am really excited for that. I love watching them play. HW, while he is a great player, can be a little timid with the others. Once he gets going tho, man he will be great. He really loves it, and I love that for him. Also, N is going to go see a hockey game with his BFF and some HS kids. They are pretty psyched for that. It should be a fun man-night. Well, while I would love to stay and think of many more things to prattle on about, more memories to down I gotta really get to bed. Spent too much time fussing with the new background. lol Peace out yo!

Friday, September 9, 2011

the first day

"where's Eia Eia and Enwee?" "where Daddy go?"... just 2 of the many questions I answered today.

...It may not be rocket science, but to my 1 yr old. Liv, it is at the forefront of her little mind. School has started, and with that Jules is back at our house, full time. yay! And the kids head to school. It a weird mix of emotions I have here for this. I am happy for them, and the fun experiences that they are having. I mean, who wouldn't want to drink chocolate milk out of a bag once a week! Or have their Momma pack awesome lunches in a Mario lunch box with sweet notes written inside?!? But at the same time every second I have when they are home is short, scheduled, and sweet...well sometimes sweet. I mean let's be realistic here. Sometimes they are little stinkers and not everything is sunshine and roses. I am also happy for the kids at home because they get to have a different role. HW is falling more into a big brother, big boy role now that his big brother is gone most of the day. And he also get some sweet alone time with not only his sister, but with me when she is down for nap. I am really enjoying that. However I do see that the big kids are missed. I guess no matter what you do there are ups and downs:)
So how is school going one might ask... well it's going pretty great. Henry is liking 1st grade, though I am anxiously awaiting word from his teacher that she needs volunteers. She is a first year and so I am wondering if maybe she is overwhelmed, or just trying to do it all on her own. Either way I would love to be in the classroom helping like last year. That sure was fun. I have yet to have a chance to meet Jules' teacher, and HW starts school next month.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's been awhile but I am still here!

I may not post all the time like I want but I am still here, doing the momma thing listening to Liv scream at the top of her little lungs, "daddy!" This particular post, will not be long. Short and sweet, but just saying I am her...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

wizards and magical wonderment

So as I sit here I am staring at the mound of clean laundry that I am going to fold....just after I type this of course, the kids are having a movie day, instead of nap- Harry Potter, HW's first time watching it, and I have to chuckle to myself. HN is always carrying around a wand with him, casting spells, it cracks me up.
Now some folks would want to take this up with me, say that we are contradicting ourselves in saying that we love Jesus with all our hearts, but yet we allow ourselves and our children to have fun with watching things that have to do with wizards. To that I say, IT'S MAKE BELIEVE!! Do your children walk around the house and pretend they are dogs, or cats, or horses? Do they really believe that they are going to turn into a horse or cat? Do you think that Jesus condemns you or them for letting their imaginative play roam free as children. I doubt it. My kids know that magic isn't real, but is it fun to pretend? You bet it is! Just like playing kings and queens, cowboys and indians, cops and robbers. All that stuff is fun! I am not letting Satan get a grab of their little hearts because Jesus is bigger and in our home Jesus is King.
Well maybe I can write a bit more later, there is sure alot going on right now, but unless anyone out there in cyber land has a magical spell "for reals" to fold all this laundry I better go. And I really want to get this all done, because I haven't seen the last Harry Potter yet. The boys on the other hand will have to be satisfied with just the first one for awhile, this momma does have movie standards, haha.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Crazy Times...

So I have a few minutes to write before I need to hop up and make breakfast and dinner and then head out to the gym. 12minutes to be exact, I feel like I am in a race. WHy 12minutes you ask, because 7am is when I start things around here, breakfast that is.
Now for a little catch up, we recently Celebrated Easter and it was so great! I baked Easter story cookies with the boys and we went through the bible and we put in the ingredients discussing how Jesus suffered, was only given vinegar to drink and everything. It was a great hands on learning experience. Then when they woke up the cookies were hollow, just like Jesus' tomb! Awesome!
We also got a kitten right before Henry's bday, her name is Lois. The kids love her, and I admit we love her just as much. Having a little kitten is so funny. She eats scraps of kid food off the floor like a dog, she runs around like she is on crack, just plain fun.
The boys have also started baseball and that keeps us busy four days a week. Two practices and two games days. We have entered the sport days. I can only imagine what it will be like when there are three. We will have to start splitting up. haha. It is great. I love everything about watching them do their sports. I love being a mom, it is really the best.
Olive got a tea set from Grammy and Grampa for Easter and right now she is pouring tea, can I say how much I love this. Really is there anything cuter? A little girl pouring some tea.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Princess Stella's Worst Day Ever

So today I sat down with the three oldest, Jules(yes she isn't mine, but I still consider her part of the clan while she is here!) Henry, and Hudson. I had told them earlier that we would write a story and of course they remembered so he we were later that day doing just that. I asked them to come up with some basic ideas and then I would help form their ideas into a story. Their ideas were this.
1. princess rides bike, runs over a broom and the broom hits her in the head and get her a big bump.
2. The princess was at a feast and was eating spaghetti and the noodle slaps her in the face, she starts to get sick.
3. Princess was dancing with the King and then pukes right in his FACE!
the end. here is how the story turned out...

One day Princess Stella was riding her bike and she ran over a broom and it smacked her in the head! Poor Stella was so sad she had a huge goose egg on her head.
After Princess Stella got her wits about her she set off down the road for home. It was time for her favorite dinner, spaghetti. There was to be a big feat tonight and as Stella took her first bite the noodle slapped her face and everyone stared. She quickly slurped up her noodle but realized upon swallowing that this noosle was wiggling inside of her!!! EEEWWWW!!
As the night wore on Princess Stella was begginning to feel a little funny. Her Father, King Nash, asked her to dance, but as the spun across the dance floor she began to feel sicker, and sicker, until.... BBBBLLLAAAACCCCHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!all over her Daddy!!!! King Nash was covered in Puke!
It was a horrible day for poor Princess Stella!
The End

I enjoyed watching them do this thoroughly(sp) and if I can figure out how to get their illustrations up on here I will.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This little light of mine....

So here I am, an open book, for you to read. Today I don't have something funny to share but something that is near to my heart and it starts with this song...
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Don't let Satan blow it out,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

Shine all over
[name of town]
I'm gonna let it shine
Shine all over
[name of town]
I'm gonna let it shine
Shine all over
[name of town]
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

Let it shine til Jesus comes,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine til Jesus comes,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine til Jesus comes,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine.

This song sums up how I feel about public education. I think that it is fitting. I see a movement happening for homeschool-which is great- don't get me wrong, I honestly thought that would be life. I had it all planned out! How we would take day trips and my curriculum would all flow together. Being an educator, I was of course excited to educate my favorite students in my favorite classroom! But that is not what the Lord had intended for me. Little did I know that going the Public Ed route would lead to such feelings of life on the outs. I don't know if any other Momma's out there on the world wide web feel that way, but I don't think that I know anyone else who is public. Or if they are public, they plan to switch to homeschool. Let me be very clear, this is not a post to bash HS momma, but more a support for all Momma's and whatever your choice is because never did I think I would feel on the outside.
I would however like it to be known that Public School is neither the Devil, or a poor choice for children. That is where the song comes in. God calls us to share with others about Him. And what a great training ground. Are they going to come across situation I may not like, you bet, but that is a perfect teachable moment. The same thing could happen at a park. I would rather start teaching them when they are young how to handle situations and how to share with people about their Lord. Am I worried they will swayed into doing naughty things, nope not really cause God loves them more than I do, and I am setting examples at home.
Are class sizes bigger than at home, you betcha, but they are having a great time. And I am always working with them on their homework at home too. A homeschool Momma encouraged me the other day and said they get the best of both worlds, they are still homeschooled, because I don't just send them off and consider it done, but they get all the excitement of school as well.
I would like to encourage any other PS Mommas out there as well. If you and your hubby know that PS is where your kiddos are supposed to be, then good for you. God loves those babies more than we do, and He knows what is best for them, and I know that He enjoys watching them out on the playground as one of them is mentioning His name while swinging on the monkey bars!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lookin Good in the Neighborhood!

So yesterday the kids played out in a puddle and the boots that Hudson always wears, rainboots, were of course wet. So today, for school, when told to get shoes on he comes to me with his fancy shoes. "Well," I tell him, "if you want to wear those shoes you need to either wear your fancy pants or a fancy shirt. What you have on just won't do." So he decided on a fancy shirt with his dancing jacket. I told him on the way out the door, "man buddy you are lookin good in the neighborhood!" I could hear him chanting that all the way out to the car. Funny kid.
Well Henry, not to be out done, also wanted to wear his fancy, dancy, clothes. And let me tell you, they were quite the sharp looking pair. Cute kids.
Well I would like to write something big and profound right now, or even something coherent, but since I am tired and really have decided that I just want to lay down on the couch, that is what I will do. So off I go, to drift off until Liv screams awake.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So life has been rather crazy around here lately. Baby O has been sick with whatever junk is going around leaving Nash and I splitting the night shift, and leaving me with a pitiful baby all day. And a case of the grumpies. I am trying my best to do, as I preach, and no matter how tired I am still have a happy heart with whatever I do. That just because I had a rough night, doesn't mean everyone else needs to have a rough day.
This is easier said than done. I have done fairly well, only having one exasperated "aaahhh just listen to me everyone!!" moment, but I think to myself, our Maker is so much more patient than I. It is crazy, this is a constant daily battle for us Momma's. I am always humbled by what a much wiser Momma once shared with me... Though what you do may seem trivial, or you may get frustrated, do each daily task as though you were doing it for your Lord. Would you gripe about the dishes if you knew your Lord were coming for a visit? Would you complain about your child's behavior or guide them to the right way... I think about this almost daily.
And now as I sit her in a quiet house I am so very thankful for what the Lord has done in my life and I am excited to see what He will continue to do. Why so quiet you wonder.... no they kiddos aren't all in bed, Nash came home, seeing what a day it had been and grabbed them all up and said we are going for a ride. When the kids asked where, he said to craziville!
Looking back it is amazing to see God's great plan, how he placed our family where we would need to be, even as a child to meet my future spouse, how protected each pregnancy even though I was on medication, and I am excited to see what God will continue to do with us.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Monday- President's Day

So on Monday Tracie and I took the kiddos on the Badger Mountain hike. They didn't quite understand what a hike was so I was telling them we were going to climb a mountain. As we were approaching said mountain Henry was getting a little nervous and said,"mom, I am a little scared about this mountain climbing thing. how are we going to climb the mountain? Are we going to use ropes or something?" And then HW asked "what if our hands get slippery?" hahaha they thought we were going straight up the mtn.
So after getting everyone out we started our walk and as you know the trailhead are just plain flat, nothing spectacular or anything and Henry informed me, "we aren't climbing a mountain! This is just called WALKING!!"
We didn't make it to the top, but we made it at least half way, maybe more:)

I'm-a-back!!! That's what Mario says....

Well, it has been awhile since I have had a chance to sit down and write on here. Things have been busy around here. We went to Seattle to visit for a weekend-that might have to be a seperate post. And we got sick on last time for good measure. But now all is well is the Lamberson household so maybe we will start with just a general update with a side of sarcasism, cause that is the kind of mood I am in. Hey I do what I want....
Nash has been either busy on the truck or busy in the office, so either way he is busy busy busy. That is good, he is very driven :) And he loves what he does.
I am also busy with my new job as a tatoo artist. I recently opened my own shop. I specialize in children's tatoo's and permenant make-up... juuussstt seeing if you were paying attention:)
Henry is currently learning about presidents at school and just had his 100 day party.
Hudson is a suprisingly shy little boy in school. Every time I go to watch hhim at school he is so quite. His teacher's say he is the quietest. Who woulda known?!?!
Olive is walking and trying so hard to talk. She has things she is saying, we just can't understand her! Dang us! She enjoys being all up in her brother's business. That is her favorite and her best. I heart it.
So there you are all caught up on the fam... now onto this weeks stuff.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why am I not in bed right now??????

Really I mean really, why did I not got to bed like and hour ago right after Nash got home from work? I just don't know. I know I will pay in the morning, but I am just awake for some reason. The kids didn't nap at all today and so here I sit, finally getting some time to myself. An old episode of The Office playing in the background- The Cat Camera one- for those of you who are truely interested. "Also, I'm pretty sure she coughed up a hairball." ok enough with The Office....
Anyways, where have I been!!???!!! Seriously...oh wait yes that's it we all got sick again. UGH COME OOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! This time it was the Stomach FLU. I will spare you the Gory, poopy, pukey, details...well that is basically it. It lasted from the night of O's big par-tay, until wed. I never puked, knock on wood, but I am still battling the queeziness.
Well this may be cut short... Baby O is waking and may be needing me. She has yet another double ear infection. Might be time to make the switch to goats milk. More on that later....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well there is much to do today....what's new right? I am heading off to the gym this morning for Zumba, where O will probably end up on my back cause she hates nursery. It seems to take like two weeks to get her back into things if we have been gone for awhile.
Then I have to rush home and get HN fed and out for school...but first I have to change O's diap. HN just came in and said "Mom Olive is Def. poopy!" Sooo off I go!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

supercalafragalistexpealidooocious......or something like that anyways....

HN keeps galavanting around the house singing this song. He has not yet seen Mary Poppins, he has just heard the song from the new Disney Sing it video game and he loves the song. I have a feeling the movie viewing will be in our future.
Whilst talking about old movies let's talk about how I have Wizard of Oz songs stuck in my head. I bought the movie on Black Friday-on Bluray, and we have watched it several times. I just love that movie. Ok, I just heard the laundry, so this is all you people will probably get today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Plague...

Soooo Nash and I finally went to the dr. yesterday. We have had the cough for like two weeks now and we went in. We recieved antibiotics and an inhaler. Then we went one hall over and O and HN had their appt to check their ears since they both had ear infections. Well HN still has fluid and redness so he is going on MORE anti's and if that doesn't work, it will be tubes AGAIN for him. O looked good. Praise God!
Then we get home and HW has a fever so today we went BACk to the Dr. and now he is on anti's too! The Dr. said the only thing saving O from not getting this horrible bug is probably nursing. So she wants her to increase her nursing to try to prevent it. OHEMGEE, this thing needs to go away already!!!
So today's agenda...fluids, movies, and well that's about it....staaaayyyy tuuunneeddd!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

AMOX, M J glove, and other oddities

while I whole hearted appreciate the fact that you are clearing up my child's DOUBLE ear infection (yes two of my children brought back that little souvenir from KY)I DON't appreciate the LOADS of CRAPPOLA that you bring with yourself!!! I mean seriously 2tsp a day brings like 3 or more diapers a day of poo. Really. COME ON!!!!!

While we are on weird things, let's talk abou how HW is wandering about the house with one red glove on. Yes, it is because he can only find just the one, but still all I can think in my head is..."Billy Jean is not my Lovvaa, She just a girl who claims that I am the oonnnee, Buut the kid is not my soooon!! Heeeeeheeeee!!!" Wrong, maybe a little, but I can't help it. I am a product of my age.

Baby O right now, and HW both did not nap this afternoon. I thought, we would drift off and ease back into reality this week with a movie. Well that didn't happen. We got a little over half into Wizard of Oz, when HW realized he was hungry and started causing a ruckus thus disturbing O and making her rouse from almost asleepness. Now we are in the playroom playing with pretend food, which is quite funny for O, she grabs a french fry, and is always disappointed. baahaha. Still funny everytime. The two little ones are also enjoying the slide toy that I bring in every winter. We have had this since HN was one and it has provided hours of indoor and outdoor play.
Well, I suppose I should do something productive, like oh unload dishes or some such thing like that. Blah blah.

Christmas in Kentucky

Sooo let's start from the begining... We got the car loaded up and were so excited to be heading off for vacation. We made it across the mountain to Tete's house and stayed the night there as we were going to have to wake up at THREE in the am the next day.
Flight Day- Everything went off without a hitch, we got up and got to the airport, got on the airplane and the kids were very excited to be on the airplane and flying. We landed in Las Vegas and let me just comment here about the stupidness-yes I am sure that is not a word, but I want it to be right now- of LV and their airport. What brainiac got the idea to put slot machines 5 steps off the plane. People are getting off and trying to figure out where their next flight is going to be and what is catching the little childrens eyes, the SLOT MACHINES. So while you are looking at your flight schedule your children climb up into a chair, then some rude airport attendant comes over and tells you, since you should obviously know, that you can get a HUGE fine for letting your kids play on the machines or even be a certain feet near them. But they are EVERYWHERE. Just when you get away from one you are backing into another. And your child has never been told they can't "fake" play with the "video games" before. What crazy universe is this. Don't put slot machines where everyone has to sit and wait for their airplanes, that is just insane!
Ok, enough with LV... So we head on to L-Ville
The kids did GREAT on the plane they each had their bags and were very entertained with activities and movies. Nana was there to greet us and the kids were quite excited! So was Nana. The first few days of our trip was great, well except for poor Henry. He seemed to have caught a cold from between the time we left home to Mom's and was lethargic, poopy, and coughy. We all however though we were in the clear because for about a week it was just him. We went on a Santa Cruise, got a Christmas tree. It was a great time by all. Lindsay arrived and still it was just poor Henry. Us gals went shopping. And by shopping I mean we acted crazy doing Chinese fire drills and getting Passion Ice teas with extra Passion and what not. Then everything went down hill. One by one everyone started dropping like flies. All except Mom, LJ, and Jakey have got it. And by "it" I mean the plague, the death, the cold that just keeps "giving" just when you think you feel better you don't. You are tired, headachey, stuffy, sore throat, coughy, the whole shabang!! Let's just say by the end of our trip we were ready to be home. haha. We left Mom and Dad's on a 7am flight had airplane troubles delaying us like and 1.5hrs in AZ, then drove straight home and got home at 8:30 WA time so 11:30 KY time. (We were up at like 4 KY time that morning) Long day basically. We are still getting over the cold.
All in all good times were had. Crazy times were had. Memories were made!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The live traffic feed....

Hey Creepers.... I only have three follower, one of which is a cousin who I am pretty sure never comes on my blog anymore. Yet according to this "live traffice feed" there is someone from Penn, from Ill, from Bellingham WA, and several other places frequenting my blog. You folks are probably a little bored since I haven't updated it since October. I know come one seriously how hard can it be to sit down and type something. Well let me tell you.....
Since October Nash and I went on a business trip to Texas. Which was pretty entertaining. We took Baby O, but HN and HW stayed with TETE. I was a nervous freakin wreck about them towards the end. Moral of the story, this mother cannot be away from her children for more than say three days. They however, had a blast.
Then we spent the first two weeks cleaning and getting ready for what was going to be a wonderful, magical Christmas in KY, we had the house all ready to go, The trip was however lackluster... see a future post concerning this. It needs it's own post it was so crazy.
Sooo that is where my time went. Now let's get down to who you folks are. I check on here every once in awhile to see if there is a comment or something, there usually isn't. Why no commenting. I can see people are coming on here. Is there nothing comment worthy? How about a little howdy do? I know where you are from, but I don't know who you are. it is a little odd:) juuuussttt saying.
OK HN is buggin me for a cup of milk so I gotta go!