The Gang

My photo
Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The pee on the floor....

So earlier this week poor Jules fell victim to a pee trap. Not laid out on purpose or anything, but Henry got pee all over the floor. So I told Henry he needed to try a bit harder to get it in the toilet and Jules to wash up in the tub. He told me that sometimes pee just gets out. Fast forward to tonight. Hudson goes into the bathroom and informs us that there is pee on the floor. Nash immediatly thinks that he did it, and he said that no, it was Henry's pee. Henry's pee Nash says. That is a lot of pee to just dribble a little out when you are done! So he informs Henry that he needs to not be lazy and get it in the toilet. Well I decide to follow Henry in before bed to make sure that he aims before bed time, I am encouraging him to aim for the hole in the bottom, yada yada. He tells me, Mom- sometimes my penis just wants to pee by himself. BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to BUST up right there! I told him, ummm no. hold and aim.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

feeling productive...kindof

So this morning was gonna head to the gym, but alas, i did not have the properly sized equipment one would need for this workout so i decided to stay and make it another cleaning day instead. Olive went back to bed and slept til 9 and during that time i bathed a 2yr old, organized the bathroom cabinet, and started making pumpkin bread.
i am also working on laundry straightening and now back to feedin the little booby sucker again. feels good getting all this done oh and my house smells like a bbq joint.

hw's new fav. show is swamp loggers, seen it? this show is great!cant believe...well actually yes i can, this is my bagel eating, starbucks drinking kid, of course he would like a nonkid show. lol he loves animal planet and discovery. when we went on our date we went to starbucks and barnes and noble. cute kid.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

the snuggler, the firecracker, and the princess

...sounds like the title to a great kids book. But alas, they are my children.

The Snuggler- Henry Nash, sensitive, rowdy, entertaining, comedic, and always ready for a snuggle. my recent fav. story from HN...while reading a bible story to him a verse spoke about praying to God if your scared, he said "ya all you have to do is pray to Jesus and you won't be afraid. (long pause)And if you ffart you just plug you nose like this." not really along the same line...unless you are praying not to fart, but I guess that is the line of a 4 yearr old. lol

The Firecracker- Hudson Wyatt, this child is comedic, mischevious, knows how to play his mama. his funny story of the week was told to me by nash, the kid has great comedic timing, far beyond his years... so, they were at Garry and Treacie's and he sees Zach and says "hey Uncle Jamey." zachg says "I'm not Jamey I'm Zach." and hw said, "no, your Jamey." w/a grin so Zach told him ok Henry. to which hw replied "i'm noy henry, jamey."baaaahahahahahahaha the kid is hilarious!

The Princess- Olive Renae, we don't know much about her yet exect that she loves to nurse and for the past two nights she didn't wake up! We love to gaze at her and make her smile, and i also just painted her toenails and loved it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I have that song stuck in my head. you know it, "all night long, all night all night all night long..." that's pretty much the only part too. I don't really remember the rest of it. And the only reason that is stuck in my head is because for TWO nights in a row now Olive has slept all through the night. from like 9-6. it basically rocks. sure it probably won't last, but it is a great ride while its here!

life in the land of three is like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. it is exciting, crazy, and a little scary at times. one minute all three are having a good time the next minute two are screaming off with your head! ok, not really, but close enough.

so i am going to attempt a trip to yarget this morning with all of them. i usually wait now to do errands until nash gets home, but i need to get some stuff so i am gonna go. i am hoping olive will just fall asleep, we'll see. gotta go get henry, peace out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

3 dogs 3 kids 1 mom going crazy....

alicw is on in heat, which ust happened over the summer so we thought we had a few more months, norma is wandering around whining for her masters and keeps going to the door. hw is cranky olive is tired henry is tired mommy is tired. the end.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the ipop

so Henry informs us today that he wants an ipop (ipod) for his bday. What was the equivelant when i was that age? was there one? should we even consider it? it amazes me how smart and responsible he is w/the tech. pieces we have given him. charged old cell phones, video games, etc. i kinda think he'd take good care of it. def. didn't think i would be doing research on this stuff so soon. lol. the ipop.

this is what it feels like....

This is what getting into the groove feels like...i think. today was a great day. granted nash got off at 3 and i have a bit of a headache, but it was still great, let me tell ya why...
1. got breakfast made.
2. got to gym, back to my reg class, and left all 3 kids...sniff sniff, she did great!
3. went to park after gym w/ all three for a playdate and spent it nursing and chatting w/a great friend while watching the boys run.
4. got dinner ready
5. olive napped nicely, hw didnt
6. daddy took big kids to the park and i finished switching olives clothes out.
7. and finally and best as i sit heere typing one handed, nursing, i realize how easy feeding is going this time. sure it may take forever, but i enjoy being w/her. my last baby.
life is def. crazy with three under 5, at any given moment there could be a fight, a screamin baby, a kid runnin around yellin "i neked butt i neked butt". there could also be a big brother beatboxing to make his sister smile (or a daddy for that matter,) a two year old singing amazin grrrace (grace)and playing his guitar, and a sweet baby giving up the most precious smiles around.
this life my be a wild one but i'm gonna hold on and enjoy!