The Gang

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Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The first week of October...

"...and everlasting joy shall be theirs."
The past few weeks, those few words I have clung to. And as I am just about to write how nicely things are going around here. Liv has woke up way to early this morning and is currently throwing a fit. About pants. I sorta find it funny, I mean I am sitting here just thinking about how fast the week went by, how nice it was, what a great night we just had. Then Liv starts whining about how she needs pants on. So Nash gets her pants. Those were not good enough, she wants "the perfect pants" she says. ohemgee child really. I hope she snaps out of it because we have pictures today:)
So back to the week... Yes I have been holding to those last few words of the verse. That in fact everlasting joy will be ours. God says so. Even though recently I can say I sure wasn't feeling very joyful around here. Having a huge gap with the the kids in the house can be trying at times. And it isn't because they don't get along, it is  simply because we have never parented a teenager...oh eh-em. man. before. So this is all new to us. We are learning as we go, and it is also a different situation because we are not his parents, we are his siblings, his parents are in fact pretty great. So finding a happy medium of sibling/parenting is rather weird, but I think that we are getting close. At least it feels that way. If I was asked last week, I would not have thought that he would be around much longer. Really I didn't. But I see a change in him this week. One I really hope is real. A realization that this is where he is right now. And an actual trying in his school work and social life. Mr. 18 I am proud of you. Last night I was quite in shock. He had come home from an overnighter at a friend's house, then off to cover a meet and had mentioned he might want to meet us out for adopobetfest- and adoption fundraiser of fall family fun. I txt him the address and by then he had changed his mind and was headed to the gym, no biggie. I really didn't think he would want to come. Ya there were people his age there but I didn't think he would want to go. Well we were sitting down listening to the Lambo band play some sweet bluegrass beats and up over the bales of hay pops Mr. 18!  We went on a hayride together with all the kids, he and Nash played some football, he hit a dude in the back. baahahaha. was great.
That leads into last night, adoptoberfest. A fundraiser who are working to bring home their sweet baby. They had a fall family fun night for a fundraiser and it was awesome. Hayrides, sweets, games, great music, and loads of fun! It is always fun to get together with other adoptive families. We are so lucky to have such a large adoptive community in our area.
HN,HW, and Little Miss have had a busy week with school. They had the jog-a-thon this friday, which they all loved doing. Most nights they each have homework, we are working on routines a lot in this house. With a kinder, 1st grader, and 2nd grader I am learning that I need to have even more routines and as much as they just want to go out and play until it is dark, and I want to let them, we have to have some kind of routine and order to how things happen. Otherwise junk just doesn't get done. Fun things are just well so much more fun!!
Also this week I worked both monday and friday at a middle school. I had a good time. I was in a resource room on Monday, and history on Friday.
The rest of the month is going to be busy here. At least the weekends. I will be gone every weekend except for this weekend. I still can't believe that. Busy busy.
Enjoy your day! I know I will, because when I woke up I thought it was Monday I was still so sleepy so I just got an extra day as far as I am concerned! haha

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