The Gang

My photo
Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Where has this year gone?!? No, I mean really, where has the year gone. As I sit here in a quiet house with Henry at school and the two little ones asleep I wonder who is going to end the silence first? You thought I might be wondering something profound, well you were wrong. I have already been sitting for like 20min and any minute HW is likely to stir with some weird dream or O will start screaming cause she has realized that she has been ditched in her crib and she was done with the boob yet. Ahhh the life, but for now I am enoying the quietness and the few moments to myself. It is 2pm and already been a busy day. I have made applesauce, working on applebutter. Made jello goblins for the taste of orange in HN's classroom, loaded and unloaded the dishes 2x, had a meeting about upcoming family pics, done some laundry, and have a million things going through my head.
So back to where did the year go...see what happens when I wonder people really. I mean can you really believe October is over, that next month I turn *gulp* 30. But isn't that the new 20, or is that just what old people say to make themselves feel better? Things have been changing around the Lamberson house that is for sure...
O is crawling now, it happened like 2 weeks ago she started and boy she has just taken off. Now she just helps herself to wherev she feels like. She is even starting to pull up to a stand. She sure took her time to crawl, but once she figure it out she didn't waste any time.
HW started preschool this month, screamed like a banchee the first day. Funny story there was him-Hudson screaming, and another little boy named Wyatt screaming. I thought it was funny anyways :) Second day, screaming was done. First day he only screamed for like ten minutes, then realized all the fun to be had and was over it. He is SUCH a homebody. He is happy to stay home 24/7 if I let him, gee I wonder who that is like.
Henry is loving kindergarted. He walks home from school most days with Julia and on the rare occassion that I go to pick him up he is put out. He loves walking home. Today we carried in the three trays of jelloey goodness and he was sooo proud that his mommy made all this sugary junk for his class. Good thing we have an activity that involves being up late tonight because I caught a glimpse of all the "orange" things to be tasted at the party today, aw lawd! Them kids are gonna be hyped up!
As for me and Nash, we are pluggin along. Nash has actually been pretty busy at work lately it seems. And we are taking a business trip here soon to houston. Without the boys, *gulp. I have super anxiety about this. Not for them, I know that they will have fun with their dear Tete. I have never been away from them for that long. Makes me a little nervous, ok a lot nervous. what of it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Camp Lamberson

So this weekend we decided to have a backyard campout. It has been so much fun. One us has slept out in the tent with the boys while the other slept in the house with Olive. Last night I had the monitor plugged in outside and up loud and as it turns out it worked really great so next time we do this we could both sleep out and keep her comfy in her crib. I just don't know if there will be a chance again before it gets too cold. We would have to do it really soon. We have been cooking outside, eating out there, having a fire, singing, playing "frisknock", all things outdoor. But then at the same time we can still do things around here if we need to. Yesterday HW went down for nap, then all the menfolk commensed to playing video games, and right now we are having our standard wake up time while. This morning we are going to make breakfast burritos outside and having another fire and then ribs this afternoon.
Nash got himself a new grill this weekend too. It was the perfect time to buy one, they were all on sale. Granted he bought it from target so I didn't get the satisfaction of wheeling and dealing, but it was such a good deal so he went with it.
Well I need to get up and grate cheese and get stuff ready. woofun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

learning all the tech stuff

so I am trying to put my face or a face on the little ticker that I just put on the side of this blog...sometimes I wonder if Henry is getting more advanced than me in the world of technology. Oh dang gotta go

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

typing one hnded and making farting noise

so i was looking back at my previous posts...let's talk about typing while nursing and how it makes you look like an idiot. Peeps either think I am a moron or a really bad spelr. baaahahaha. And here I was thinking I was getting pretty good at typing with just one hand. It also doesn't help that recently the "J" button has decided to stick. Guess I should start hitting the spell check option from now on. But ya know what, I probably won't cause when I do get the chance to write, just getting what I have in my head out to here, then clicking post is all I have time for. I don't have time for the fancy schmancy spell check.
Now onto more important things, like making Liv laugh really hard. Who else looks like a retard whilst making a baby laugh? I know that I do! Here I am sticking my tongue out making farting sounds all for a few laughs. I don't know whose the one that is easily entertained, me or her.

The kiddos

Henry Nash...
Henry is 5 and going to start kinder soon. I can't believe it. And as a result of his recent addiction to Wizards at Waverly place, has been casting spells on people...they go as such "Turn Nana into a fly, turn Nana into a fly!" Nana then proceeds to buzz around. "Turn a fly into Nana turn a fly into Nana!" He is easily entertained by this activity and it is rather hilarious. I think he enjoys watching us jump around as various animals or other people that he changes us into. haha. He is also playing soccer right now and for a 5yr old seems to run out of steam pretty quick. Running games may not be his thing, haha. We will practice some and see if he chooses soccer again next year. He always falls asleep real quick on soccer nights.
Hudson Wyatt...
His third bday is right around the corner. When approached with the question of what he is "into" I realized what a little odd ball my middle child is. Here was my answer to that question. "Garbage trucks and elephants." If someone got him the waste management garbage truck toy, yes...there is one, a few actually. He would be in high heaven. Also there is an entire site DEDICATED to elephant toys. They have water bottles, cups, plates, various toys. Like over a 100 different elephant things there. That is what my son loves. Garbage trucks and elephants.
Olive Renae...
Wow, seven months has FLOWN by!!! I can't believe she is already starting to sit up on her own, she rolls all over the floor. I lay her in one spot, leave the room and when I come back she has rolled her self to a new place. She is also eating like a champ. She is up to about 3 cubes, 3times a day. For all you jar food mommas out there that is 3 ice-cube size of baby food. I have always made my own food, so much easier and cheaper than store bought. Taste better too! I have begun to think about her bday already...yes ALREADY!!! Shuddit ok, first girl and all I reserve the right to start planning her first fluff and stuff party! I have the theme all ready. Tutus and Tiaras!!! OHEMGEEE!!!! All the little girls are gonna be soo cute!!!!
ok nap time is over, gotta jet.
Peace out!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wizards at Waverly Place

So Henry is totally into this show now, and I have to admit...I like it too. Is that wrong, I think not. And ya wanna know why? If Garry can like Icarly, then I can like Wizards at Waverly Place. And with netflix we can watch all three seasons. haha. Early today he had a drum stick and was pretending to be a wizard haha. That kid is hilarious.
Speaking of hilarious, and of a totally different subject matter, Hudson Wyatt...So we are having a playdate today and the kid walks around the corner with no pants on. I was like, umm where are your pants man? Apparently there is some reason why he wanted them off, a reason I never quite understood. Why is it that kid would like to be neked all the time. I mean really? He is so happy to just sit around neked.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Commercials....ugh I hate them. I am sitting here, I just created my hate blog about the company we used over the fourth, feel free to check it out by the way. And some dumb commercial came on, targeting my five year old, and of course now he wants some stupid toy. "mommy will you call or go online and get one of those?" "we'll see..." is what I tell him. How's that for an answer. I usually say that, or maybe for your birthday. How do you tell a kid, "um no, that thing on tv that costs a low 4 payments of 19.95 is a piece of crap! And I am absolutely not going to buy it for you, but I bet if you talk to your Dad who loves infomercials you might convince him!" So I go with the answer that really isn't an answer. Besides the last thing I need is another piece of junk thing laying around here, speaking of which I should probably go through their toys this week and do some "cleaning" of them while I am cleaning up around here.
Well, now that was a wierd little intro into things, but you get what you get with me. I am actually amazed that half the family is still asleep, it is 7:20 and I am feverishly typing with two hands cause I know that I don't have long to do so. So get ready for blogging interupted. Any second Nash, HW, and Liv will be awake.
This past weekend we went to the beach for the fourth, it was really awesome. I have stayed away for the past few years cause I was nervous about the kids, and the fireworks, and the beach being dirty with the fireworks, but it actually wasn't that bad. Then the next day there were tons of volunteers out there picking up garbage and stuff. I had a really good time and Nash and I booked a little cottage for next year. A cute little two bedroom place where some of my family is staying too. I am really looking forward to that. THe condo was nice, but it will be nice to have our own little cottage, we are a big enough family now that we can def. use our own two bedrooms to sprawl out. And the lady there is SO nice, unlike the beast we just rented from (see my other blog...a not so beachy day). It was nice to see all the family, play games, and get the kids on the beach. Even some of the Webbs came too. Henry, Hudson, Tess, and Levi were really cute paling around.
Oh, there is Liv, gotta go.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The pee on the floor....

So earlier this week poor Jules fell victim to a pee trap. Not laid out on purpose or anything, but Henry got pee all over the floor. So I told Henry he needed to try a bit harder to get it in the toilet and Jules to wash up in the tub. He told me that sometimes pee just gets out. Fast forward to tonight. Hudson goes into the bathroom and informs us that there is pee on the floor. Nash immediatly thinks that he did it, and he said that no, it was Henry's pee. Henry's pee Nash says. That is a lot of pee to just dribble a little out when you are done! So he informs Henry that he needs to not be lazy and get it in the toilet. Well I decide to follow Henry in before bed to make sure that he aims before bed time, I am encouraging him to aim for the hole in the bottom, yada yada. He tells me, Mom- sometimes my penis just wants to pee by himself. BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to BUST up right there! I told him, ummm no. hold and aim.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

feeling productive...kindof

So this morning was gonna head to the gym, but alas, i did not have the properly sized equipment one would need for this workout so i decided to stay and make it another cleaning day instead. Olive went back to bed and slept til 9 and during that time i bathed a 2yr old, organized the bathroom cabinet, and started making pumpkin bread.
i am also working on laundry straightening and now back to feedin the little booby sucker again. feels good getting all this done oh and my house smells like a bbq joint.

hw's new fav. show is swamp loggers, seen it? this show is great!cant believe...well actually yes i can, this is my bagel eating, starbucks drinking kid, of course he would like a nonkid show. lol he loves animal planet and discovery. when we went on our date we went to starbucks and barnes and noble. cute kid.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

the snuggler, the firecracker, and the princess

...sounds like the title to a great kids book. But alas, they are my children.

The Snuggler- Henry Nash, sensitive, rowdy, entertaining, comedic, and always ready for a snuggle. my recent fav. story from HN...while reading a bible story to him a verse spoke about praying to God if your scared, he said "ya all you have to do is pray to Jesus and you won't be afraid. (long pause)And if you ffart you just plug you nose like this." not really along the same line...unless you are praying not to fart, but I guess that is the line of a 4 yearr old. lol

The Firecracker- Hudson Wyatt, this child is comedic, mischevious, knows how to play his mama. his funny story of the week was told to me by nash, the kid has great comedic timing, far beyond his years... so, they were at Garry and Treacie's and he sees Zach and says "hey Uncle Jamey." zachg says "I'm not Jamey I'm Zach." and hw said, "no, your Jamey." w/a grin so Zach told him ok Henry. to which hw replied "i'm noy henry, jamey."baaaahahahahahahaha the kid is hilarious!

The Princess- Olive Renae, we don't know much about her yet exect that she loves to nurse and for the past two nights she didn't wake up! We love to gaze at her and make her smile, and i also just painted her toenails and loved it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I have that song stuck in my head. you know it, "all night long, all night all night all night long..." that's pretty much the only part too. I don't really remember the rest of it. And the only reason that is stuck in my head is because for TWO nights in a row now Olive has slept all through the night. from like 9-6. it basically rocks. sure it probably won't last, but it is a great ride while its here!

life in the land of three is like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. it is exciting, crazy, and a little scary at times. one minute all three are having a good time the next minute two are screaming off with your head! ok, not really, but close enough.

so i am going to attempt a trip to yarget this morning with all of them. i usually wait now to do errands until nash gets home, but i need to get some stuff so i am gonna go. i am hoping olive will just fall asleep, we'll see. gotta go get henry, peace out.

Friday, March 5, 2010

3 dogs 3 kids 1 mom going crazy....

alicw is on in heat, which ust happened over the summer so we thought we had a few more months, norma is wandering around whining for her masters and keeps going to the door. hw is cranky olive is tired henry is tired mommy is tired. the end.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the ipop

so Henry informs us today that he wants an ipop (ipod) for his bday. What was the equivelant when i was that age? was there one? should we even consider it? it amazes me how smart and responsible he is w/the tech. pieces we have given him. charged old cell phones, video games, etc. i kinda think he'd take good care of it. def. didn't think i would be doing research on this stuff so soon. lol. the ipop.

this is what it feels like....

This is what getting into the groove feels like...i think. today was a great day. granted nash got off at 3 and i have a bit of a headache, but it was still great, let me tell ya why...
1. got breakfast made.
2. got to gym, back to my reg class, and left all 3 kids...sniff sniff, she did great!
3. went to park after gym w/ all three for a playdate and spent it nursing and chatting w/a great friend while watching the boys run.
4. got dinner ready
5. olive napped nicely, hw didnt
6. daddy took big kids to the park and i finished switching olives clothes out.
7. and finally and best as i sit heere typing one handed, nursing, i realize how easy feeding is going this time. sure it may take forever, but i enjoy being w/her. my last baby.
life is def. crazy with three under 5, at any given moment there could be a fight, a screamin baby, a kid runnin around yellin "i neked butt i neked butt". there could also be a big brother beatboxing to make his sister smile (or a daddy for that matter,) a two year old singing amazin grrrace (grace)and playing his guitar, and a sweet baby giving up the most precious smiles around.
this life my be a wild one but i'm gonna hold on and enjoy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Who that fart, and other funnies...

HW "Who that fart?" Henry "ME! EXCUUUSE MEEEE!!" HW " That Nathty!" HN "I know, it stinks,"

Olive's Song by HW
"Olive Renaenae Olive Renaenae Oooooolllive Renaenaaeee poop."

I'm feeding Buzz from my breatht" HW -who has the cutest lisp by the way

"Wake up Henry!" "no I don't want to, you know I'm tired after AWANA Hudson

apparently growing up is all about driving cause on two seperate occasions each boy has told me this...
"mom when i grow up i'm gonna get married and drive!" HN
"when I get big and be a daddy I am gonna put the key and the car and go like this" moves hands side to side and says VROOM VROOM VROOM

Thoughts of three...

0,2,4....I envisioned having kids close together, but one never know if what you dream about will actually become reality. I have been pretty lucky so far, I used to day dream about Nash, sure there were others in between, but it always came back to him! Sure enough that came true. I wanted to be done bearing children by 30,done. Wanted kids close in age so they could play together, done.
Now the 3 reality, while preggers I kept hearing going from 2-3 was the hardest but after 3 it doesn't matter, they were right. lol. I notice on the days we just stay home it is much harder than if we venture out and do something. My kids are creatures of habit and enjoy going out every day.
Random Thought...My baby monitor is on but Olive is w/ me eating yet I hear a baby crying.Someone in my hood needs to go get their kid!
So in hopes of a great day I think we will head out.

Birth story

Gosh...where to start...
Well Saturday Dec. 19th Olive Renae Lamberson entered our world. at 7lb 6oz. and 19in. It looks like she is going to have Hazel eyes and so far her hair is dark and has a little wave to it.
The labor was rough, we had planned to go in and be induced and the dr. said earlier that week that even if we hadn't had that planned he would have done so anyways b/c I was border lining on having too much fluid- poly-something or other. Other than that at the end the pregnancy was pretty good. It took awhile to get contractions going and they had trouble finding a vein for an iv and such. 3 nurses and one anesthesiologist (and several pokes) later IV was finally in. Medicine flowing. Once the contractions came they were HARD, after awhile I decided to go for the epi...wish I hadn't. They couldn't get it in. 45min and 4 or 5 tries later they finally got it. BP was like 200ish/100ish according to Nash- who was having trouble watching and had to sit down, I was screaming, from the epi needle pain, not contractions. Nurses were rushing in, it all started getting hazy. The 1 hour after they got it in she was born. Had I known it was going to be that short of time I wouldn't have gotten the epi.
She came out in a push and a half and b/c she came so fast the fluid didn't get pushed out of her lungs causing her to have to go to the Special Care Nursery for just over 24 hours. God was def. with us cause we thought she was gonna have to be there longer but the dr. called out of the blue a day early and said we could go, that all the tests were fine and she just needed to take an iron supplement! We were soooo surprised and happy and emotional. We didn't tell anyone, we just quietly got her dressed and then showed up where Mom was at home with the boys waiting for her turn to come to the hospital. It was the BEST face ever! Her and Henry were sitting on the couch and so surprised when Nash and I walked in with Olive. I will always remember that moment.