The Gang

My photo
Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dear Edmonds, WA

So I can see in the ticker feed who visits the blog and while there are a whopping 4 people following, baahahaha I keep seeing Edmonds, WA pop up there so my curiousity has got me...who are you Mrs. or Mr. Edmonds comma WA? I'm not running a hot blog or anything it is really just like a family journal, writing down the funny stuff kids do, and now it will appear to be our adoption journey as well! So let's see who you are? Sincerely, Momma L

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