The Gang

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Let me tell you about our crew... Momma L- I dig pretty shoes- that are comfy. And coffee, I love coffee. Big Daddy- He is gonna cringe if he sees this, lol. I also dig that. He loves playing basketball with the kiddos. JD- He is 14. He is sarcastic. He is a freshman in HS. He is a regular teen. Annoyingdotcom. I heart that. HN- 9 yr old math wiz and future rap star. Well at least that is how he sees himself. He currently is enjoying beatboxing, reading, and anything techy. Little Miss- 8 years old, loves my little ponies and her critters. She loves all things pretty. HW- 7 years old and if it has to do with construction,garbage trucks, or wild life...he's there! He is my little funny man. Baby O- 4 years old and fancies herself fancy. She enjoys all things dolly, tea party, or shopping related.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;12 rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;13 distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
 Romans 12:10-14
As I look at this verse this morning I would like to say that I am kind to others, not lagging when it comes to serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, pray steadfastly, have hospitality and that I bless those who persecute me. BUT..... I def. do not do all of those things. In fact being patient is a down right struggle for me. Always has been. And while I would like to think I am a kind gal, I have some feelings toward a certain gal that if we were ever put together I just pray that God could control because I honestly don't know that I could. You see, raw truth, stinky and raw. I imagine God will change that one day, but as of now that is where that is... more on that later.
Now on to some updates, since I haven't done that in awhile....
Little Miss she started school on tuesday, first grade. She seems to like it really well. She walks to school with the rest of the house and some neighbor kids. A big pack of them, it is really cute. She is also seeming to adjust here well. Tho, I really have nothing to basis what "well" is off of. Just research and other people's experiences. lol. We have heard and read that immediate interaction in the home with rules, expectations, boundaries, and just family life is the best for a smooth transition so that is what we have done. We do not treat her any differently than the other kids. Make good choices, good things happen. Make not so great choices, well you aren't really gonna like it, but you made the choice, so suck it up buttercup:) My favorite thing about this kid, which I have probably already said is her laugh. When she gets giggle she snorts. It is THE CUTEST thing ever!!! I just love it.
HN has just started the second grade, he loves his teacher. He has several of his friends from last year in his class this year, I wonder if his sweet teacher from last year had anything to do with that? I SO wish that his last year teacher Miss Berry was still in first grade so that Little Miss could have her, but at least they will all have a chance for having her in 3rd grade... and by have a chance I mean I am directly requesting, haha.
HW is starting kinder, they kind of ease the kinders in the first week. A conference here, 2 hours there, then next week it starts all over again. We are very happy about his teacher as it is the same teacher that HN had. HW is getting really excited to be going to school like all the big kids, he gets to walk to school with them then ride the bus home. so cute:)
Baby O is potty training...still. And next week she is not going to know quite what to do with herself as everyone will be gone. She has also ventured into terrible two's full swing. Hello satan child.
Then there is Mr. 18. He was having a little difficulty last week. Well ya know he had no friends, no life, whoa is me. But, uh... hiieee you had only been here one week. Buck up! He is singing a different tune now. He has been assigned a locker in "jock hall" as he is an athlete. And well he LOVES that. He also loves that he goes to school with girls. I don't see him wanting to go back to an all boys school anytime soon. He is making friends with the cheerleaders at his school, and the kids on xc. And while there has only been two days of school the second was better than the first. So that is good right?
ok, time to get everyone ready for school!!! more later:)

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